The semantics for our schema is compatible with prevailing scientific practice.

The schemas we work with follow a relatively standard semantic pattern that may be called Entities, Properties, Values:

  • Entities. Every table is associated with one specific type of entity/thing, with a documented definition. At a minimum the definition should be sufficient for the reader to know how, in principle, to identify the set of entities of that type present in a given real-life context. Ideally each instance is borne by a definite spatiotemporal extent, consistent with a strong principle of ontological realism. Every row of the table, or record, should correspond to exactly 1 element from this set. Such tables are generally assumed to be incomplete, not necessarily containing a record for all elements in the set.
  • Properties. Every column of a table corresponds to one kind of property that makes sense for the given entity type, with a documented definition. In functional terms, what this really means is that the definition should be sufficient for the reader to know how, in principle, to identify when a real-life entity has a given value for this property.
  • Values. Each value should have a definition that is sufficient for the reader to know how, in principle, to identify when a real-life entity has this specific value for the given property.

Thus the schema will refer to 3 types of patterns – entities, properties, and values – and each will have their own documentation in the library of definitional annotations.